Visit Our Oakland Studio!
2744 E 11th St #C-8 (near Fruitvale Bart)
510.338.7709 by app't only
Heliotrope’s Oakland studio workspace is in Oakland's historic Jingletown neighborhood. Like most of the Bay Area, Oakland abounds with hideaway delights and surprising gems. Jingletown is the home of many artists & craftspeople. Historically, it was a working class Portuguese neighborhood and - according to local lore - the name derives from the local immigrants jingling the coins in their pockets, proud of earning money in the local factories. The co-working building we share, Artthaus Studios, is actually in a former Del Monte canning factory.
We’re 10 minutes from Fruitvale Station, as well as a short walk over the Park St Bridge to Alameda, and still just a short drive from downtown. We’re just out of the way enough to be conveniently worth exploring, without the hassle and commitment of a full day’s trip. Though we no longer have a street-facing storefront in Oakland, you are welcome to come visit us simply by making an appointment. Jingletown joins forces with Alameda every month for the 2nd Friday Art Walk. (Not getting enough art? Check out downtown Oakland's First Fridays).
We're just one Bart stop away from Jack London Square and Lake Merritt, two urban gems. You can take a walk or bike ride along the waterfront and through the parks, rent a kayak to take out on the water, stop for a snack or a drink, and take in the view.
Our business is all about helping people. We help them to feel comfortable in their own skin and hale in their own spirits. We’ve designed the Heliotrope studio to be as much an experience as a workspace, with every detail curated to follow our ethos. From the atmosphere of creativity at Artthaus, to the spirit of makers in the past and the present, we’ve made even our humble studio into a cozy space to help you to experience that sense of wellness.
The Oakland studio is where we process and package most of our products in-house. That way, we can offer custom blends as well as refills to help cut down on packaging. It’s one more way we can reduce our environmental impact and provide a better customer experience.
And on the subject of having a great experience, there are plenty of other ways Oakland helps provide a healthy lifestyle. We’ve covered the biking and walking paths, and kayaking on Lake Merritt or in the Estuary off of Jack London Square, but there are plenty more.
Oakland has a great restaurant scene with plenty of healthy eating choices available no matter your diet. as well, whether downtown or farther afield, fitness clubs, yoga studios, and work at spaces abound.
Where to Find the Best Natural Skin Care Products in Oakland
We’re very proud of our location in Oakland, which couldn’t have been a more perfect fit. We’ve been considering a warehouse location in the area for a few years, to give us a larger space to produce, package, and distribute our products, and the arts district around Jingletown is convenient enough for our industrial operations, but accessible enough to keep a vibrant creative space thriving.
Oakland makes a great home for our business. The region has a huge wealth of natural plant life, including a variety of medicinal herbs and flowers. Besides that, in recent years Oakland has undertaken a number of environmental initiatives intended to curb the air pollution from commuter traffic.
Oakland is home to the Asian Pacific Environmental Network and Communities for a Better Environment groups, which are pushing a variety of environmental initiatives. Oakland has had a difficult history with pollution and environmental concerns so it's been inspiring to watch the community rally together in recent years to repair those problems and to lay the groundwork for a more eco-conscious future. The APEN in particular is pushing for advances in green jobs and responsible economic development, improvements for the environmental conditions in disadvantaged communities, building the infrastructure to generate or bulk purchase sustainable and renewable energy, and reducing or eliminating imports into the state of heavier crude oils and tars.
Besides our location near the Fruitvale District, Oakland has undertaken efforts to beautify and rehabilitate some of the industrial spaces to make them cleaner and more welcoming to the public. Space has been put to better use residentially, commercially, as well as recreationally throughout the city. Indeed, like much of the Bay Area, Oakland has been developing itself - in particular its diverse neighborhoods - as something of a local tourist destination, with warm sunshine, beautiful views, culturally significant landmarks, and plenty of activities.
We love the idea of having a space on either side of the bay. Jonathan Plotzker called San Francisco home for 30 years before moving across the bay to a house with a backyard full of fruit trees. It’s in this orchard and garden that we grow many of the ingredients that are used in our skin care line: lavender, rosemary, lemon, lime, figs, pomegranates, bamboo, and mint!
Oakland has a much slower pace from the hustle and bustle of downtown San Francisco, but it shares many of San Francisco's values and much the same spirit. It's a great place to come to unwind when you need a respite from the city, and Heliotrope is pleased to provide some of that relaxation and a place where our customers can devote some of their energy to self-care.
Oakland has a hugely diverse population, no matter how you measure it. The city is home to all different kinds of people, from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. That harmony is part of what makes the city so appealing to us.
We’re a warehouse and a maker's space. We’re a commercial enterprise committed to the wellness and experience of our customers. We’re an oasis of calm in an industrial district. Oakland has hills and flatlands, people of different means with different lives and histories, and warm afternoons to melt cool, foggy mornings. Oakland is a city where things can come together, and we’re proud to call it home.

We are only available by appointment at the studio.